Organic Vs. Non-Organic Coffee: Differences And Similarities

So it’s been a while since people are going crazy about organic products. You can tell it by all those organic foods at the forefront of the display of every super shop around. More and more consumers are getting more excited and serious about having organic food today. Coffee, which is consumed on a daily basis, is no exception. Organic Vs. Non-Organic Coffee which is the best!

Yes, there are things like organic and non-organic coffee. Call it mind-boggling or what; the issue is really serious. Health-conscious consumers are taking quite a stance on advocating organic coffee over non-organic options. So what exactly is the difference?

Stay tuned; in this article, we’re going to shed light on how these two variants of coffee differ.

What Is Organic Coffee?

Hmm… How do you make coffee organic? Well, it’s actually a whole chain of processes that makes a coffee organic. The first step towards getting organic coffee is to make sure there is no chemical use in the production process of the coffee.

The farm basically doesn’t use any pesticides, chemical-made fertilizers, additives, or herbicides while harvesting coffee beans. Is it only about the production? Not at all. The entire supply chain of this coffee marketing should be organic in nature.

From sourcing the seeds to even packaging the beans – if the entire process can ditch using chemicals, you can reliably tell that the coffee is organic.

Is Organic Coffee Healthier?

Like that famous meme says – ‘You don’t say!’. If you’re choosing an organic option over non-organic food, be it any food, it’s going to be definitely a healthier choice.

It is reported by Global MRL Database that in coffee production, farmers are using more than 42 regular pesticides. This list doesn’t even include the banned chemicals and pesticides. As coffee beans are kept exposed under direct sunlight, insects and other microorganisms end to attach the beans more often.

To keep these insects away, farmers spray harmful chemicals over the beans to make sure that the development of the beans is not hampered. And these chemicals and harmful pesticides end up in your morning coffee mug!

Compared to this, you can doubtlessly regard organic coffee as a hundred times healthier than non-organic one.

What Is The Difference Between Organic vs. Non-Organic Coffee?

So what exactly are the factors that draw the line between an organic coffee bean and a non-organic bean? In this section, we will look at a few points of difference between these two types of coffee.

Farming Process of Organic and Non-Organic Coffee

The first and foremost difference between these two is the actual farming process. The organic farmer will follow all the things he needs to make sure that the production process is kept away from harmful chemicals.

In the beginning, he will be using the natural fertilizer to prepare the cropland he will use to produce the beans. Although the farmer may not need to fight with insects to a level that’s equal to a non-organic production, weed is still a common enemy.

But to get rid of the weed, he will simply use a gas flame weeder and burn it off. Or he can also use domestic animals to eat up the weed from the soil. He can even use elbow grease to unearth the weeds, as well.

On the other hand, the conventional coffee producer will clear off the soil by removing all the natural fungicides. Then he will fertilize the land with the highly harmful chemical fertilizer.

The beans are washed by insecticides and pesticides for a safe sprout. When the sprout is there, he will even spray chemicals over it to keep it safe from other insect attacks.

Taste between Organic Vs Non-Organic Coffee

No doubt, organic coffee tastes better than non-organic one. It’s nothing hard to understand, as you have beans on one hand that are soaked in chemicals, and on the other hand, you have beans that are all-natural in nature.

The actual, default and basic taste should be retained in the organic one, for sure. That’s why organic coffee tastes way better and purer.

Side Effects of Organic Vs Non-Organic Coffee

We hate to break it down to you, but the regular coffee you are consuming comes with so many health hazards than you can fathom. With all those chemicals being consumed by your body every fine morning, you are pushing your health to risk.

The harmful chemicals do cause cancer, harm the nervous system, and also affect your reproductive system, as well.

On the other hand, natural and organic coffee is not reported to have any harmful effects on our bodies. So there you go – organic coffee is healthier and safer.

Price of Organic Vs Non-Organic Coffee

Here comes the sad part. Of course, as you can see, growing natural and organic coffee beans is no easy task. That’s why these coffee beans come with a higher price tag than the non-organic ones. We also hate the fact that a healthy option is more expensive, but that’s what it is! You should reach out the article Best Organic Coffee K-Cup.

What Are The Similarities Between Organic And Non-Organic Coffee?

As for the similarities, there are some obvious common things that both of these coffee types share.

Color Can BeThe Same Between These Two Variants

Both the organic and non-organic coffee beans come with the same dark brown color. You can’t tell one from the other when it comes to color. Unless you grind it and taste it, they both look the same.

Both the Coffee Types are Of Same Shape

Unless you are going for the Liberica coffee beans, most of the organic and non-organic beans will come with the same two-part size. You can’t tell the difference just by looking at both of them

What Makes Organic Coffee Better?

By now, you can already point out a few points as to why organic coffee beans are better than the non-organic counterpart. Let us draw the map down.

Organic Coffee is Good for Health

Of course, organic coffee is free of any chemical that harms your body. So consuming organic coffee on a regular basis won’t cause any issue for your health. It also doesn’t hamper the healthy growth of your kids.

Organic Coffee Production is Good for Environment

As the production process doesn’t contain any chemical or artificial pesticides, it saves the earth and the environment from any kind of pollution. That right there, is a huge plus for replacing your regular coffee with it.

Final Words

Choosing between organic coffee vs. non-organic coffee is an easy one. But the budget you have for your coffee consumption will need a bit of revision if you finally opt to switch to organic beans. But considering the health concern and the environmental issue, it’s going to be a rational and responsible decision to ditch non-organic coffee and settle down for the organic one.

Although there are different types of organic coffee variants in the market, the Arabic Coffee is one of the most prominent breeds. If you haven’t tried it out yet, you should try it now!

Have a sip of fresh, healthy coffee!

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